Alexander Aliyev: "My father told my children to move to Russia. I said: "They will not set a foot in this bastard country"

Former Dynamo and Ukraine national team midfielder Oleksandr Aliev has spoken about his father.

Alexander Aliyev. Photo: S. Krylatov,

"On 28 February, my father, a military man, told me that Russian soldiers came to weed out Nazism. It was unpleasant for me.

I told him: "Goodbye. I don't want to communicate with you anymore.' He came to Donetsk, Kharkiv, Sumy for football. I said: "So, you sat with Nazis and fascists?". I was rooting for Dynamo, I was rooting for my son. He betrayed me, his granddaughter and his grandson.

Once he said that the children should move to Russia. I said: 'They will not have a foot in this bastard country'," Aliyev said in an interview with Dmytro Gordon.

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  • Стас ДК(llo-stanslav) - Наставник
    28.10.2023 16:06
    Аліїву респерт за проукраїнську патріотичну позицію. Війна багато в чому змусила зробити вибір. В друзях, в рідних, в Батьківщині.
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