Roman Zozulya: "Unfortunately, the collection has dropped off a lot. People do not respond as quickly as at the beginning of the

Former Dynamo Kyiv and Ukrainian national team forward Roman Zozulya spoke about the next meeting of his People's Army Foundation.

Roman Zozulya

"Dear friends, another People's Carriage has been sent to the war zone. We do not stop buying vehicles for our defenders. Yes, there are a lot of applications, a lot of needs, but please understand that we cannot help everyone who applies to us...

Unfortunately, the collection has dropped significantly. Each new car takes longer and longer to get. People do not respond as quickly as they did at the beginning of the war. Unfortunately, this is a fact and many foundations have the same situation.

We are doing everything possible and impossible to close the next collection. We constantly remind you of the enormous importance of vehicles at the front. We have to provide for those who are ready to give their lives for our freedom! Dear friends, please do not ignore the collection. Like, repost, donate. We are all the People's Army!" Zozulya wrote on Telegram.

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  • Parussia go home VP - Старожил
    30.10.2023 23:42
    Зозуля - зразок для наслідування усім футбооістам і не лише їм.
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