Andriy Shevchenko visited patients of three Ukrainian hospitals (PHOTOS)

The former head coach of the Ukrainian national team, Andriy Shevchenko, visited patients in three Ukrainian hospitals at once, the press service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine reports.

Andriy Shevchenko

Andriy talked to the military undergoing rehabilitation at the Recovery Centre, hugged children being treated at Okhmatdyt and saw with his own eyes a powerful generator at the Cancer Institute, for which he raised funds with United24 ambassadors.

"How much grief the war has brought to our land! It hurts for every destroyed life. We will help. We will be there for you," Andriy Shevchenko promised.

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  • Дэви Аркадьев(Devi) - Эксперт
    31.10.2023 23:57
    Искренне рад за Андрея ШЕВЧЕНКО, который вместе с амбассадорами United24, творит добрые дела. Твёрдо верую в то, что послевоенная Украина - и украинцы! - будут другими, а , слава Богу, легендарный при жизни ДИНАМОвец, Бог даст, тоже внесёт в это свою весомую лепту...
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