Mykola Neseniuk: "I remember Artem exactly like this - young, energetic, optimistic, full of creative plans and ideas"

The well-known journalist Mykola Neseniuk responded to Artem Frankov's death with a memory of a week together in the Holy Land.

Mykola Neseniuk, Artem Frankov

"Several years ago, Artem Frankov and I were part of a group of journalists sent by the Dynamo football club to Israel to cover a winter football tournament. Until then, Artem and I had spoken infrequently and almost exclusively about football in stadium stands and press conference rooms.

Now it was time to talk about everything. Of course, we argued. But these arguments were interesting and enjoyable. How could it be otherwise when the person you are talking to can talk about almost anything - from poetry to nuclear weapons!

It was then that Artem started to take care of his health. He lost a lot of weight, got himself together... He even went for a morning jog with me once...

The week of the tournament flew by quickly. We hardly crossed paths again - everyone was doing their own thing. And now that Artem is gone, I remember him exactly as he was that week many years ago - young, energetic, optimistic, full of creative plans and ideas.

Farewell, my friend!" Neseniuk wrote on Facebook.

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