Mircea Lucescu: "We have done a good job, Dynamo are playing well"

Former Dynamo head coach Mircea Lucescu spoke about the difficulties he faced during his last years in the Ukrainian championship.

Mircea Lucescu (photo: Oksana Vasilieva)

- The players would be under incredible pressure. The main thing is not even the fact that we play without an audience. The worst thing is that the championship is under the pressure of war. A couple of times we have had to leave the pitch and hide in a shelter. When the alarm sounds, the games are forced to stop. This football is not conducive to performance.

That's why I think the players deserve only applause. People do not only live with the madness of war, poverty and misery, they also need a mental element, some joy. Football means a lot to them. I don't think there is a sport closer to people's souls than football.

I believe that we have done a good job, the team is playing well, with Shakhtar we dominated, we had many chances to score. A childish mistake in the centre of defence - and we conceded. It is not easy, resignation is a show of courage, not cowardice," Mircea Lucescu told Fanatik website.

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  • Анатолій Паламарчук - Наставник
    05.11.2023 20:53
    Дякую Луческу за повернуте чемпіонство. Але, на такі результати можна було б не звертати увагу, щоб у нас грали гравці 17-19 років, а так, чомусь Бущан а не Нещерет, Тимчик, Попов та Дубінчак теж не діти. Пів захист, Буяльський, Шапаренко/ Шепелев і до недавніх пір Сидорчук, краї Ярмоленко/ Караваєв і Кабаєв. На підміну Андрієвький, Беніто. І де ця молода команда? Максимум три гравці, і то після продажу Сидорчука. Що ми будували?
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