Dmytro Riznyk: "Lucescu has done a lot for Ukrainian football"

Shakhtar goalkeeper Dmytro Riznyk commented on the outcome of the Ukrainian Premier League match against Dynamo.

Dmytro Riznyk
- You were nil-nil in the derby, but Dynamo had several chances at your goal. Can we say that the result of the Classic reflects the course of the game?

- Of course. In such matches, it's nice when the team wins, and even more so when you are standing at zero. It gives you confidence for the next stage. The game was hard, I'll say it again. It is good that we scored and did not concede.

- What did the coach say to you after the game? Did he have any comments or was he happy with everything?

- He praised us. He said we did well, fought to the last, for each other. That's why he praised us.

- Dynamo coach Mircea Lucescu resigned after Shakhtar's defeat and said he was not retiring. The Romanian specialist has worked in Ukraine for 15 years, 12 of which were at the Donetsk club. How would you assess his contribution to Ukrainian football?

- He is a very highly qualified coach. He has done a lot for Ukrainian football. Both for Shakhtar and Dynamo. He passed on his experience. I believe that he made a very big contribution to the development of our football.

- Do you think the current championship has become stronger than the previous one?

- I think so. There are more big teams. I think this year's championship will be stronger.

Alina Erofeeva
