It became known how much commentators earn on MEGOGO per match

Commentator Roman Tymoshchuk told how much MEGOGO commentators get paid.

- Is it true that MEGOGO commentators receive 750 hryvnias per match?

- Yes, it is. It's no secret in the football industry. At least it used to be so. I don't know how it is now. But it's not a secret for the football community, for everyone involved in television and commentary. I don't know if their policy has changed now, because I don't keep in touch with anyone except Roberto [Morales].

- So it turns out that commentators in Ukraine are not paid much now?

- It depends on the employer. If you take MEGOGO, it's the bottom of the market. Setanta, for example, pays more.

- How much?

- I think it's 40 dollars or 40 euros. I don't remember exactly, I didn't work there, but it seems to be about that much. It turns out to be about twice as much. If a commentator is invited by a certain club, like Kryvbas, for example, they have different rates. Everyone has their own. It depends on how you negotiate.

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  • Андрій Федорович(andrey02) - Эксперт
    09.11.2023 15:13
    Як платять, так і коментують. Іноді хочеться вени вскрити від коментаторства. Навіть самий захопливий топ- матч ці профі перетворять на гру двох сільських команд на кубок місцевого магазину
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