Yevhen Selezniov: "Luis Adriano said very bad things about Lucescu..."

Former Shakhtar striker Yevhen Seleznyov recalled the moments when his coach Mircea Lucescu was very angry.

Evgeny Seleznev

- After the match against Barcelona, Luis Adriano said some very bad words to Lucescu, I don't want to say what they were, which just made the 'mister' angry. Also, Lucescu was very angry with Rakitsky when he received a red card in the game against Porto in the Champions League.

He was also angry with Matusalem, who went on a walk, was late for the training session, sat down to breakfast during the theory session, and then turned around and left. I was young at the time, and when Lucescu was shouting, I just hid in a corner and sat quietly. But Lucescu did not hold a grudge against Matusalem for a long time, because the Brazilian produced results. After a night at the club, he could go out on the pitch the next day and tear opponents apart," Selezniov quoted byUV.

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  • Андрей Лазко(andrei39) - Эксперт
    09.11.2023 20:42
    це той Луїс котрий замість того що б віддати м"яч супернику у Лізі Чемпіонів побежав з ним і забив гол у рамках "Ф..к Фейрплей"?
    Те, що Луческу тоді цей випадок не засудив теж дуже багато що про нього сказало.
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