Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration elected head of regional football association

On 10 November, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Football Association, Oleh Syniehubov, was elected chairman of the Kharkiv Regional Football Association,Dumkareports.

Oleg Sinegubov (centre)

"I thank the conference delegates for their trust. It is a great honour and responsibility. Special thanks to my predecessor Viktor Kovalenko for his active work, I am convinced that his work as the first deputy chairman of the Association will be no less effective," said Syniehubov.

He added that the conference also agreed on the composition of the Executive Committee, which included representatives of the region's football assets, and discussed the Association's priorities, including football competitions at all levels, as well as the development of children's and youth football under martial law.

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  • Юрий Оленев(allenatore) - Наставник
    11.11.2023 09:42
    А керівнику ОВА більш нічим зайнятись під час війни
    • 3