Viktor Vatsko: "I wrote to Vanatu after the match. He replied that there was contact"

Commentator Viktor Vatsko commented on the episode with the suspension of Kryvbas defender Danil Beskorovainy in the Ukrainian championship match with Dynamo.

Viktor Vatsko

"Live it seemed that Beskorovainy fouled 100% - Vanat very truthfully fell, in the best traditions of Milevskiy. But on the replays I did not notice where there was contact. I wrote to Vanat after the match. He replied that there was contact. Perhaps not very strong, but when you run at high speed, it is enough to lose balance and fall. Another defender Stets'kov was next to Vanat, but he did not have time...," Vatsko said on the air of the programme "Vatsko Live".

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