Simeone: "Griezmann wants to be at Atletico, there is nothing to talk about"

Atletico head coach Diego Simeone answered questions about a possible extension of the contract with the Matriarchs' striker Antoine Griezmann.

Antoine Griezmann, Getty Images

- There is nothing to talk about, Antoine wants to be here. I hope that in the coming years he will accompany us on this path. He is young, but I'm not talking about age. He has incredible vitality and understanding of the game. When he has less energy, he will play in other positions. I am happy that I was able to work with him. That has never changed. When he came to me to tell me he was leaving for Barcelona, we looked at each other and I told him: "I hope you do well". At some point I knew he was going to come back," said Diego Simeone.

We would like to add that Griezmann's current deal with Atletico Madrid runs until the summer of 2026.

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