It's official. Volodymyr Sharan leaves Minaj

Volodymyr Sharan has resigned as head coach of Minaj, the press service of the Uzhhorod club reports.

Volodymyr Sharan. Photo by Yurii Yuriev

"Football club Minaj and Volodymyr Sharan have terminated their cooperation by mutual agreement. At a meeting between the management and the coaching staff, a joint decision was made to terminate the cooperation.

FC Minaj is grateful to Volodymyr Sharan and his staff for the work done. Together with Volodymyr Sharan, coaches Vadym Chernyshenko, Serhiy Mizin, Ihor Luchkevych and team doctor Oleg Temnyk have resigned from their positions," the statement reads.

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  • владимир васильев(volodymyrvasyliev) - Наставник
    17.11.2023 17:24
    Жаль Шарана. Он всегда так переживает во время игры что даже лицо красное. Это ж наверное повышается давление. Хрен с тем Минаем, здоровье дороже.
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