Oleksandr Shovkovskyi: "Our language unites us, marking our belonging to the great Ukrainian people"

Oleksandr Shovkovskyi, acting head coach of Dynamo Kyiv, spoke about the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language.

Oleksandr Shovkovskyi. Photo by Yuriy Yuriev

"Dear friends, the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language was recently celebrated, and I would like to share my thoughts on this occasion.

Our language is a reflection of our culture, history and national memory. It unites us, celebrating our belonging to the great Ukrainian nation. Every word, every conversation in Ukrainian is a step towards maintaining and reviving our heritage.

The language is also a powerful tool for uniting the nation. By speaking the same language, we take a step towards mutual understanding and a common identity. It unites us in the desire to build a better future Ukraine together.

Preserving and developing our language and writing is a task that each of us faces, because it has always been and will always be the bridge between generations.

May our mother tongue always sound like the melody of our hearts, unite us and make our country even stronger and more prominent on the world stage. May this holiday always remind us of our roots, values and future," Shovkovsky wrote on his Facebook page.
