Vadym Shabliy: "Talks about not being able to get into the U-19 national team without our agency are cheap slander"

Football agent Vadym Shabliy commented on the information that players can only get into the U-19 national team through a contract with his agency ProStar.

Vadym Shabliy

"It's not worth saying that ProStar is recruiting for the youth team. Only three players of our agency played in the main squad of the Ukrainian U-19 national team against Kosovo, and three more were in reserve. I don't know what they've come up with. Talking about how you can't get into the national team without our agency is cheap slander," Shabliy said.

Shabliy also explained the situation with Danylo Krevsun (Borussia Dortmund U-19) and Andriy Firman (Juventus U-19), who were not called up to the youth team.

"As for Krevsun, I don't communicate with him, Dima Yesin talks to Danylo, who is on friendly terms with him. Never in my life have Krevsun and I talked about the youth national team. I don't know where people get this information [that only Shabliy's clients can join the national team], it's just slander.
If you have facts, please provide them. Otherwise, it turns out that mud has been thrown at us, and we have to clean up. This is the most offensive thing. Let them tell us who was summoned at our request and who was not. Juventus' failure to call up Krevesun and Firman shouldn't be blamed on us.

I don't know Kuznetsov at all, and we have never crossed paths in our lives. The same goes for the ProStar staff. So there is no point in accusing us of corruption. You need to provide facts, not just mudslinging. Let them say who took money from whom and who called whom. This is interesting," Shabliy said.
