Mikhail Spivakovsky: "Without Matvienko, the national team loses the quality of the first pass"

TaToTake host Mykhailo Spivakovsky reflected on the composition of the Ukrainian national team's defence in the game against Italy.

Mikhail Spivakovsky

- Despite Matvienko's authority, with each match for the national team, his status as an "untouchable" in the eyes of the coaching staff gradually melted away: in the last four matches, Mykola was replaced three times! What does the national team lose without Matvienko? The quality of the first pass. What does it gain? More reliability in a limited space. And with Italy, it needs to be limited. And the mathematical proof is martial arts in UPL matches this season: Matvienko - 63.2%. Svatok - 66.4%. Air duels: Matvienko - 55.6%. Svatok - 69%. You already understood - I'm betting on Svatok," Spivakovsky said.

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  • A weel(anatolij-vikul) - Наставник
    19.11.2023 23:56
    бред, что Матвиенко привозит регулярно? Или что Сваток лучше? 66% выигранных единоборств в УПЛ, а не в АПЛ. с Италией 50% за счастье, надежда на подстраховки и командную игру. Индивидуально нет у нас 2 центрбеков сильных, Забарный и какой-то костыль подпирает его слева
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