Arteta names the most influential player in the history of football

Arsenal head coach Mikel Arteta has named his symbolic five-man team.

Mikel Arteta, Getty Images

"Number one has to be Messi. That's for sure because I think he is the most influential player in the history of football. We have never seen anyone do what he has done on the pitch for so many years. Then, of course, I would choose Ronaldo and I would take Ronaldo because I have been in love with him since I was a kid. Just imagine coming in on a Thursday night and facing those three without a spare pair of shorts. I'd also definitely put Johan Cruyff in there because of his intelligence and what he's done for the game.

Another player I have to take is Maradona. Because of my family and my partly Argentine background, but also because of my wife. The way he changed football and Barcelona deserves to be there," Arteta was quoted as saying by Planet Football.
