Yaremchuk could make an early return from loan at Valencia to Brugge and then end up at Bologna

Ukrainian striker Roman Yaremchuk, who is currently on loan at Spanish side Valencia, may spend the second half of the current season in Serie A. According to Voetbal Nieuws, Valencia intend to terminate their co-operation with the Belgian side Brugge early and return him to Valencia in winter.

Roman Yaremchuk

According to Voetbal Nieuws, Valencia intend to end their co-operation with the 28-year-old forward ahead of schedule and return him to Valencia already in winter, but before the end of the rental agreement, which runs until the end of the season. Apparently, this desire of the Spanish club is due to the fact that Yaremchuk has not managed to distinguish himself with a single performance during his time at Valencia.

At the same time, the source reports that the Ukrainian is unlikely to stay at Brugge: Italian Bologna want to rent him.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    23.11.2023 10:08
    "«Валенсия» намерена ... вернуть его «Валенсии» уже зимой" ?
    • 3