"We will play one of the strongest teams in the Euro 2024 play-offs," Bosnia and Herzegovina head coach

Head coach of Bosnia and Herzegovina Savo Milosevic - on the results of the draw for the play-offs of the Euro 2024 selection, which brought his team together with Ukraine in the semi-finals of this round.

Savo Milosevic

"There are both positive and negative aspects in this result of the draw. The negative is that in the semi-finals we will have to play one of the strongest teams from all those 12 that take part in the play-offs. It will be a very difficult match. We all know very well the qualities of the Ukrainian national team.

On the positive side, we have the opportunity to play the first and, hopefully, the second game at home. This is an advantage in such matches. We have two games at home if we want to go to the Euros. That's a big advantage. So we can be moderately satisfied with this draw," Milosevic said.
