Declan Rice: "Zinchenko is the most colourful character in the Arsenal changing room. He's just crazy and always gets us going"

Arsenal London midfielder Declan Rice, responding on the air of the club's YouTube channel to the request of one of the Canaries' fans to name the most colourful character of his team's dressing room, made a choice in favour of Ukrainian Oleksandr Zinchenko.

Oleksandr Zinchenko and Declan Rice

"The most colourful character of our changing room is, of course, Zinchenko. Alex is just crazy, that's how funny he is. I would probably say he is the team's main joker. Many other guys would probably say the same. Zinchenko always gets us going, in any situation," Rice said.

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  • Sergiy S(SergiyS) - Эксперт
    25.11.2023 18:31
    Тому його любили в МанСіті, тому його люблять в Арсеналі
    • 2