Dynamo employee Maksym Horovenko received a state award

2023-11-25 12:12 Since the beginning of Russia's unprovoked, brutal aggression against Ukraine, many Dynamo fans, our club employees, ... Dynamo employee Maksym Horovenko received a state award
25.11.2023, 12:12

Since the beginning of Russia's unprovoked, brutal aggression against Ukraine, many Dynamo fans, our club employees, their relatives, and parents of Dynamo's children's and youth sports school pupils have joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defend their homeland from the cynical invaders.

Maksym Horovenko. Photo: fcdynamo.com

Our colleague, the club's IT specialist Maksym Horovenko, is also defending Ukraine from the invaders. At the end of March this year, he went to the front as an assault pilot and has been serving near Bakhmut since then.

For his courage, bravery, dedication and heroism, he has recently received a state award - the Cross of the Brave badge of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We congratulate Maksym on receiving this award and are proud of his heroism and contribution to the struggle of our country.

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