Artyom Dovbik: "Tsygankov and I talked to the Spaniards about the war in Ukraine - they were shocked. After 15 minutes, they are

Girona striker Artem Dovbik spoke in an interview with Sport Arena TV about the Spanish interest in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Artem Dovbik

- I was in Spain in spring. It seemed to me that people there do not know at all what war is, what Ukraine is. That is, they live on a slightly different planet. You live there now. How do you see, is Spain interested in the war in Ukraine and everything that is happening in Ukraine now?

- I think a little bit already people are somehow calm about it. They just don't understand what it's like at all. We used to communicate. One day we were communicating, they asked us and Vitya, we explained to them - they were shocked, back and forth. But after 15 minutes, they're not interested anymore. That's why I think that now everybody forgets about the war.

- Maybe someone from Girona helped? Do you know if there was any material help to Ukraine?

- No, I honestly do not know.

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  • Здесь Динамо! Здесь! - Наставник
    25.11.2023 13:44
    Вадиме, а що має бути інакше? Там люди справді просто живуть, ніхто не гине, все це так далеко. Ну згадайте нас, ми сильно переймалися, коли рузьке нищили сирійців? Ми просто жили, бо у нас ніхто не гинув. Як би це не було нам тяжко приймати, наша війна для європейців це просто якісь незрозумілі жахливі новини з телевізора. Не забувайте при цьому, що досі багато з них не розрізняють українця і росіянина, особливо якщо українець розмовляє російською.
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