Shaparenko will not play against Ruh. Vanat and Buyalskyi are in the line-up

Kyiv Dynamo will not be able to count on their midfielder Mykola Shaparenko in today's match against Lviv Rukh in the 15th round of the Ukrainian championship.

Nikolai Shaparenko. Photo - Yu.Yuriev

As it became known to, the midfielder has not yet recovered from the injury, due to which he missed the match of the last round with Kryvbas. At the moment, Shaparenko is training on an individual programme, but it is possible that he will be fully prepared for the match against Minay, which will be held in a week.

But Dynamo striker Vladyslav Vanat and midfielder Vitaliy Buyalskiy returned to the formation. Both of them trained without restrictions the day before and are ready to take the field today.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    26.11.2023 13:40
    Час вже наздогнати "шахтар". Спочатку.
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