Ukrainian goalkeeper of Real Madrid Andriy Lunin played another match for his team. This time the 24-year-old goalkeeper defended the gates of the "Royal Club" in yesterday's match of the 5th round of the group stage of the Champions League with Italian Napoli (4:2).

This time Lunin failed to keep his goal intact. And if in the first case the goalkeeper has nothing to reproach - he tried to parry a shot from a metre and almost coped with it, then in the episode with the second goal the Ukrainian clearly could help Real Madrid, but it did not happen.
Recall, the main goalkeeper of Real Madrid Kepa Arrizabaga received a muscle injury in the warm-up before the last match of the Champions League, with Braga. Lunin replaced him in that game, after which he played three matches in the Spanish league. In total, in the current season, the Ukrainian played six matches for his club, conceding four goals.
Goals conceded by Lunin in the match between Real Madrid and Napoli:
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