Mykyta Kamenyuka: "The draw for the play-offs of Euro 2024 selection for the national team of Ukraine is excellent!".

Former captain of Luhansk Zorya Nikita Kamenyuka said what he thinks about the results of the play-off draw of the Euro 2024 qualification round for the Ukraine national team, which determined the first opponent for the Blue-Yellows at this stage to be the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nikita Kamenyuka

"I was in Leverkusen for the qualifying match with Italy, and I can say that the Ukraine national team played organised. It was obvious what our players wanted to achieve. It is a pity, of course, that it was not possible to directly enter the final part of the European Championship. Now everything depends on the readiness of Serhiy Rebrov's team for the given chance in the play-offs.

The play-off draw is great for us! But the draw on paper is one thing, but in reality - quite another. Be that as it may, but our guys in the March match against Bosnia and Herzegovina will take to the field with the aim to prove that Ukraine is worthy to be represented at the continental championship," UA-Football quoted Kamenyuka as saying.
