"Alexandria" strengthened with a midfielder from an exotic country

2023-12-05 21:28 "Alexandria" has decided to strengthen its squad with a legionnaire from an exotic country. Madison Julio ... "Alexandria" strengthened with a midfielder from an exotic country
05.12.2023, 21:28

"Alexandria" has decided to strengthen its squad with a legionnaire from an exotic country.

Madison Julio

According to Ole, Ecuadorian midfielder Madison Julio has signed a three-year contract with the Ukrainian club. This information was provided to the publication by the agent of the footballer Gabriel Trelles.

"Julio is moving to "Alexandria". Everything is ready. He has already signed a contract for three years," - said the agent.

We will add that "Alexandria" 26-year-old Ecuadorian got for free: at the time of signing the contract he was in the status of a free agent.

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25.06.2024, 19:13
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