"Strange score," - Tuchel on Bayern's 1:5 to Eintracht

Head coach of Bayern Munich Thomas Tuchel commented on the sensational defeat of his team from Eintracht (1:5) in yesterday's match of the 14th round of the German championship.

Thomas Tuchel

"We deserved this defeat, but the game was strange. Yes, Bayern did not show a good game today, but the score is strange.

In any case, we are all to blame for what happened. From the players' side, I did not see today the readiness, the desire to win. As a result, we were penalised five times for our mistakes. It's cruel. But our team play today was simply unworthy.

I am also responsible for this result. We will analyse what happened together, and only then we will prepare for the next match," Tuchel said after the match with Eintracht.

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  • Złatko . - Наставник
    10.12.2023 10:29
    Тухель каже те, що має казати.
    Фактично - бувають матчі, коли у одної команди залітає все, а а іншої - не заходить нічого.
    Кейн мав двічи забивати з убойних, не пощастило. І Нойєр "видав" матч. Як для нього - то це "нещасний випадок".

    Як казав не пам'ятаю хто, "Алжир може виграти у Німеччини, але у фіналі буде саме Німеччина, а не Алжир" (за точність не поручуся).
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