Vitalii Buyalskyi on the rough play of Obolon players: "The lower the level of the team, the more fouls"

Dynamo midfielder Vitaliy Buyalsky commented on the team's victory over Obolon in the 17th round of the Ukrainian championship on Footballhub.


- Vitaliy, today was a rather aggressive and rough game from Obolon's players - two sent-offs. What are your impressions of the match?

- As they say, the lower the level of the team, the more fouls, not football, but wrestling. "Obolon imposed a fight on us, because they could not play against us as they did in the Ukrainian Cup match. We studied them well and took advantage of our chances.

- Did your first red card at Obolon make the game easier for you?

- Of course, but it doesn't always happen that it becomes easier to play. I'm pleased that we took our chances and won.

- It was the last match before the winter break. How would you rate the first part of the season?

- The final match this year, I think we need to look at the table and not count the matches we haven't played yet. We need to go from match to match. Each game is like a final. If we prepare for each match like we did today, we will be fine.

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