Oleksiy Gutsulyak: "I don't know who else I need to score to get into the Ukraine national team".

Dnipro 1 midfielder Oleksiy Gutsulyak spoke about his main goal in professional football.

Oleksiy Guutsulyak

"My main goal is the national team of Ukraine. I don't know who else I need to score to get into the national team. (Smiles). I had a good six months. I think that the coach of the national team is watching all this. Maybe he will give me some chance.

And as for club football, I would like my team to play in the European Cup every season," - said Gutsulyak on air Youtube-channel "TaToTake".

Earlier it was reported that Dynamo Kyiv were interested in acquiring Gutsulyak.

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  • Шурлок Полмс Елкин - Опытный писатель
    15.12.2023 09:04
    Так це ж елементарно , Гуцуляк, починай забивати в єврокубках.
    Те як ти зливав Дніпро минулої весни і пізніше восени в єврокубках стало наглядним прикладом як не треба грати в футбол , або як грати так щоб не попадати до збірної України.

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