Girona head coach confirms Tsygankov is injured

Girona midfielder Viktor Tsygankov has been injured. This was announced at a press conference by the team's head coach, Michel Sanchez, according to journalist Neil Sola on his Twitter page.

Michelle Sanchez. Photo: Gettyimages

It is known that Tsygankov is experiencing some discomfort, which is why he was forced to miss training. The Ukrainian's participation in the upcoming meeting with Alaves is in doubt. The midfielder may also miss another match against Betis.

Tomorrow, on 18 December, Girona will face Alaves in the Spanish league match. The starting whistle will blow at 22:00.

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  • Андрей Лазко(andrei39) - Эксперт
    17.12.2023 18:24
    головне що допоміг Жироні у матчі з Барсою.
    після тієї перемоги команда на підїомі і повинна обіграти Алавес, котрий наразі на 13й сходинці і без Віктора.
    до того ж Довбик буде у складі
    • 2