Dnipro-1's commercial director on the transfer ban: "Jovicevic left us and joined Shakhtar. Should we pay him immediately?"

Dnipro-1's commercial director, Vyacheslav Fridman, commented on the information that a transfer ban was imposed on the Dnipro club.

Vyacheslav Fridman

"By the new year, we will close everything and send the payroll to UEFA"

- Vyacheslav Yevhenovych, is it true that Dnipro-1 received a transfer ban because of debts to former players and Jovicevic?

- It's true, but it's nothing serious. We are already lifting the ban. It has been imposed for a long time - six months ago, the first, a few months later the second, then the third. We haven't had to report anyone since August, so we've collected these bans, and now we'll close them in one fell swoop. It's not an issue at all, so there's no need to worry. The problem is solved in three days. We will close everything by the new year and send the payment statements to UEFA.

- What is the amount, if you don't mind me asking?

- Everyone has some months [in arrears]. Jovicevic left us in an ugly way, he left us and joined Shakhtar, so did he have to pay the money right away? Let him sue us now.

- Who, apart from Jovicevic, has financial claims against Dnipro-1?

- The legionnaires who played for us last season.

- Can we expect transfers from Dnipro-1 in winter?

- You shouldn't expect any high-profile transfers.

"Rebrov is not putting Pikhalenko in the Ukrainian national team. He has his own goals there, he works with Shabliy, and Pikhalonok is not Shabliy's client."

- There was information in the press that you are ready to sell Pikhalonok to foreign clubs for an amount of three million euros, while his clause for Ukrainian clubs is 4.5 million. Is it true?

- He has a clause of 6 million. If someone wants to buy him for that kind of money, we won't mind. If not, please step aside. There is no need to bargain, just pay the clause.

- So, if Polissia pays the clause, you'll be ready to sell Pikhalenko to a Ukrainian club?

- Please, buy whoever wants, but no Ukrainian club will give that kind of money.

- Shakhtar sold Mudryk to Chelsea for 70+30 million.

- They promoted him. "Shakhtar know how to do this business, but we don't. "Dnipro-1 had to make it to the group stage of European competitions and Pikhalenko had to shine there. He had to prove himself there, like Mudryk in the Champions League and for the national team.

But Rebrov did not call Pikhalenko into the Ukrainian national team. What can we talk about then? Rebrov has his own goals there, he works with Shabliy, and Pikhalonok is not Shabliy's client.

- Not long ago, neither Rebrov nor Sudakov were Shabliy's clients, but things are changing fast here.

- As far as I've heard, Rebrov's son works for Shabliy.

Andriy Piskun

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