Dynamo fans named Vladislav Vanat the best player of the team in the first part of the season-2023/24 - results of the poll

The Dynamo.kiev.ua Telegram channel has completed the poll in which Dynamo Kyiv fans chose the best player of the team in the first part of the current season.

Vladislav Vanat. Photo - A.Popov

As a result, the Bilo-Syni striker Vladislav Vanat got the most votes - 25% of respondents voted for him. A little behind him was Dynamo's support player Vladimir Brazhko, who got 21% of votes.

Results of the poll for the best Dynamo player in the first half of the season-2023/24

1. Vladislav Vanat - 25% of votes

2. Volodymyr Brazhko - 21%

3. Nazar Voloshyn - 14%

4. Vitaliya Buyalsky - 13%

5. Heorhiy Buschan - 12%
