Ruslan Rotan: "The task for the second part of the season is to build a fighting team"

The press service of Oleksandriya talked to head coach Ruslan Rotan, who told us about his plans for the future.

Ruslan Rotan. Photo:

"We rely on young players. I want us to become a strong team with ambitions in the future. The work is ongoing, there is still work to be done. As for the result, you have already answered this question yourself. It is simply impossible to build a team in 4-5 months. It takes time. And when your wards, almost the entire team, are young players, it is twice as difficult. You need patience and a lot of work. Theory and practice.

The player must clearly follow the instructions of the coaching staff. And there is nothing surprising if a player makes a mistake. It is normal. Thanks to such mistakes, the team that the coaching staff wants to see in the end grows. At this stage, it is still too early to assess the team. But we hope, and we are even confident, that the players will improve the quality of their game and progress.

What is the club management's task for the second part of the championship? The task for the second part is to build a fighting team that can compete with our giants at a good level. To create a team that would make our city proud. We also want our players to grow in skill, and hence in value," Rotan said.

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  • Bat Hedgehog(AuT1544) - Старожил
    26.12.2023 14:00
    Пресслужба «Олександрії» поспілкувалася з головним тренером Русланом Ротанем, який розповів про плани на майбутнє. ...
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