Ingulets President Oleksandr Povoroznyuk said he had been promoted to lieutenant general of the Cossacks.
"I have received a station wagon, a certificate and a medal from the International Academy of the Cossacks, and I have the rank of lieutenant general of the Cossacks! So I want to post the documents for people like Dmytro Gordon. And I will gladly accept congratulations from my friends," Povorozniuk wrote on his Instagram page.
По-новой решили медальками побряцать?
Смотришь на эту самодовольную рожу и удивляешься:"Мужмк ,тебе уже 6-й десяток пошел,на хера тебе эти висюльки?
Скоропадский, Дорошенко, Полуботок, Поворознюк, найди ошибку в логической цепи.