Artem Milevskiy: "I needed money to help a man - 50 thousand dollars, asked Shevchenko, he brought the amount in the evening"

Former Dynamo player Artem Milevskiy shared his thoughts about Andriy Shevchenko.

Andriy Shevchenko and Artem Milevskiy

- What do you say about Andriy Shevchenko as the head of the UAF?

- You say so with such a tone or implication that he does not deserve this position. We will see. We'll see how it works out for him. Time will put things in place.

- What is your relationship with him now?

- I have a great one... When we see each other, we respect each other. I wouldn't say we're friends, but we're good friends.

- Any funny stories from your life, maybe?

- I needed money, I needed to help a man - $50,000. I didn't have any, I was waiting for my salary. In the end, I called him on the phone, explained, and he brought the amount to me in the evening for training.

- Did he give it to you?

- He did.

- How long?

- When Mikhailovich gave me my salary, I gave it to him right away. That's why I'm on good terms with him.
