Aleksandr Mostovoi: "This year Russian football will be the same as last year - we will cook in our own vegetable garden"

Former Russian midfielder Aleksandr Mostovoi has assessed the football prospects of his lousy underdog country in the coming year.

Alexander Mostovoy

"The prospects for Russian football in the new year are dim. I think many will agree with this. Everything will be the same as in the past. We are cooking in our own vegetable garden. Something new is not expected.

I've always said that if you want to be strong, you have to play against the strong. And now we are deprived of such an opportunity. We have nothing to compare with now. That's why I don't expect big changes," Mostovoy was quoted as saying by RB.

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  • Валера Курпец - Начинающий писатель
    02.01.2024 09:32
    Вы будете вариться не в собственном огороде, а в собственном дерьме. На большее вы не заслужили, клоуны грёбанные.
    • 7