Myron Markevych: "Yaremchuk has endured everything. Now the main thing for it is not to stop"

Head coach of Lviv's Karpaty Myron Markevych reacted to the first goal of Valencia's Ukrainian striker Roman Yaremchuk in La Liga.

Myron Markevych. Photo -

- Your wishes have come true. The striker scored in the first minutes of the first game of the new year.

- I am happy for him, honestly. I'm glad he scored. I wish him to move only forward. I don't think my words have become prophetic, he has endured everything. The main thing now is to move on. Do not stop.

- Has the Ukrainian legionnaire gained fitness yet? Now he shouldn't have the same problems as at the beginning of the season?

- I think so. He did score an important goal and God willing, it should continue.

- How many more goals can we expect from Roman this season?

- I don't know... If the coach trusts him, everything will be fine.

Nazariy Shmigil
