Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Giorgi Tsitaishvili, who is currently playing on loan for Dynamo Batumi, shared his plans for the future.

- You were once one of the most promising players at Dynamo Kyiv. What didn't work out then?
- It's hard to even answer. There are many factors, but this is a stage that has already passed. It's better not to remember what didn't work out, but rather to try to improve everything so that it will work out in the future. I'm focused on the future, I don't look back. A lot depended on me and the situation in the team. Back then, I was at a time when Dynamo was going through its worst times. There was no confidence, no feeling that the coaching staff needed me.
I'm not talking about everyone. Oleksandr Hatskevych's staff felt that I was needed, and then I understood that I was a necessary player. With other coaches, I didn't feel confident. And at this age, when you are not confident and not psychologically ready, it is very difficult. I won't say that I was not allowed to play. I had my chances, but it's hard to go out for a game when you don't have confidence. That's why I didn't perform as well as I should have. As everyone expected.
- Was there any pressure in the team? Did your team-mates help you play?
- There were times when they helped. There were times when they didn't. Sometimes they were unhappy because I lost the ball many times. But this is normal. This is the football process. I had to be ready for it psychologically.
- Was it difficult then?
- Yes. I was young then and didn't understand everything. I had other ideas and thought that everything should be different. I thought that everyone was against me. But I had to work with people close to me and tell them that it was possible. Or I had to work with different people and expect this. But I wasn't ready for that.
I quickly jumped through different age categories. There was no pressure there, so I felt confident. And when I got to the senior team, I felt pressure not only from the players or the management, but also from the fans. Young players have almost no pressure, but adult players do. Because you have to deliver results. And when I made mistakes, they were not happy with me. I should have been prepared for this, but at that time I wasn't. If I were in the same situation now, I would cope without any problems.
- Were there moments when you read criticism on the Internet and were even more disappointed?
- No. It doesn't matter what they write there. I care about the opinions of the club, the team, coaches or teammates. It is important how the club management and coaching staff treat me. When they say something, you sit and think about every word. Especially when you are not psychologically ready. I was very nervous at the time.
- Who among the players of the Kyiv team is your most comfortable partner on the pitch?
- There were a lot of people to play with back then, I don't want to list them all so as not to miss anyone. I had a normal number of friends back then. I was on good terms with many of them. Off the field, I communicated well with everyone, as they did with me.
- What are your plans for the future? You have a lease with Dynamo Batumi until the summer of 2024. And the contract with Kyiv is until the summer of 2025.
- I'm not thinking about it yet. My goal is to regain my confidence. By the summer, it is important to get a lot of playing time and make good statistics. And then it will be seen. I don't know what they will say to me because I belong to Dynamo Kyiv. I don't know what they will decide. Will they want me back or sell me? Or they will send me back on loan. We will talk to Igor Surkis and see what happens. Of course, we have plans. But I don't want to advertise them, let them stay with me.
Nazariy Shmigil