Goalkeeper of Ternopil's Niva: "During the winter holidays I went to work in Poland - I worked there for two months"

Niva Ternopil goalkeeper Maksym Mekhaniv recounted how he used to work on a construction site in Poland.

Maxim Mechanov

"At some point, I was thinking about giving up football. It was before I joined Niva, when I played at the regional level. It seemed that nothing would come of it. You go to a match, change your clothes on the street, on some benches, it's cold. Then you come back from the game hungry and cold. I just wanted to give it all up. "What's the point of all this?" I asked myself. I played for Patriot in Vinnytsia region, then in Kremenets, then for Agron. Travelling by train, night journeys, no fun...

I endured it, and then things got better. Although I had another difficult experience while playing for Niva at the professional level. During the winter holidays, I went to Poland to work - I worked there for two months on a construction site. After that, I started to appreciate football. It was really hard there. Waking up at 6am every day and working hard until the evening is very difficult," said Mekhaniv.
