Vitalii Kvartsianyi: "Shershun was invited to Lobanovskyi's Dynamo"

Former Volyn coach Vitalii Kvartsianyi said that the career of Bohdan Shershun, who died the day before, could have developed differently.

Bohdan Shershun

- "I know for sure that Shershun was invited to Dynamo when Lobanovskyi was the head coach. But he ended up choosing Dnipro and then CSKA. In Kyiv, Valerii Vasylovych had training sessions to exhaustion, perhaps Shershun chose a frugal regime, more game and tactical, which was professed by Dnipro and CSKA.

As for the national team, there were probably stronger players than Shershun, the same Golovko paired with Vashchuk, Rusol. In some moments down low, Bohdan did not have time to receive the ball and a nimble, sharp striker could get away. "Shershun's priority was positional play," said Kvartsianyi.
