Russian Federation tries to take away the second flat from the ex-Dynamo Kiev player

Former Dynamo Kyiv defender Andrey Yeschenko, a Russian, has told how his non-country is trying to take away his second flat.

It all started with the fact that at the end of 2022 the spouses of Yeshchenko and their child were evicted from the flat, which was bought by the footballer a few years before. The housing was arrested in the case of financial fraud of the former spouse of the wife of Yeshchenko.

Andriy Yeshchenko

- A year ago, it became known that your family's flat was being seized. Were you able to resolve the matter favourably?

- No. The court wouldn't accept our petitions.

- So what did you do?

- You can't. The state has already taken one flat, now they're after the second. They want to evict people, but there are nuances: the child lives with her mother, and by law they can't be evicted.

- It's wild. You made a purchase with your own money, and the property was confiscated because of the financial frauds of your wife's ex-husband. Do you feel down after such lawlessness?

- That's the way life is. Of course, I have an opinion about it. The fact is that the money for the flat can not be returned, as well as for lawyers. The only thing to do is to forget this story like a nightmare and buy another place. Yes, not everyone can afford it. But I could have spent this money on my child, and I have to buy a new flat.

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