Why did Saudi fans whistle during the tribute to Franz Beckenbauer? A local journalist explains

The broadcast of the Spanish Super Cup semi-final match between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid caused confusion among many football fans. Before the match, Franz Beckenbauer, the legend of the German national team and Bayern Munich, was honoured with a minute's silence, but the fans at the stadium in Saudi Arabia greeted it with a loud whistle.

"Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid, Getty Images

The great embarrassment of the players and club staff, whose shock was visible in close-up shots on camera, was joined by millions of bewildered eyes on screens around the world. Representatives of Spanish radio Cadena SER spoke to a local unnamed journalist after the match, trying to find out why this had happened.

"It has nothing to do with Beckenbauer, it's more about culture. It's a custom, or you could say a tradition in Saudi Arabia. It is unacceptable for someone to be honoured with a minute's silence," the journalist said.

Real Madrid's German midfielder Toni Kroos was also booed every time he touched the ball. However, the situation with the 34-year-old footballer was more related to the comments he made about Saudi Arabia, observing the lack of human rights in this country.

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  • Андрій Федорович(andrey02) - Эксперт
    12.01.2024 14:09
    Європейці активно провдять арабізацію своєї культури. Араби давно і швидко зрозуміли, що за гроші європейців купити дуже легко. І тепер вони нав'язують свою культуру, зневажаючи традиційними цивілізованими цінностями. Так є у Франції, Германії, Швеції. Дикуни плюють на європейські цінності
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