Piers Morgan on Sunak's visit to Ukraine with a £2.5bn aid package: "Well done, Mr Prime Minister"

Piers Morgan, a journalist and Arsenal fan, reacts to the visit of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to Ukraine.

Piers Morgan

The prime minister announced a new aid package of £2.5 billion and said that his country would support Ukraine for as long as it is needed. Sunak delivered a speech to the Verkhovna Rada, ending with the words "Glory to Ukraine".

"I like it, good job, Mr Prime Minister," Morgan wrote on his Twitter page.

Earlier, former Manchester City and Newcastle footballer Joey Barton called the UK's aid package for Ukraine "another waste that we cannot afford".

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  • MilLife ! - Опытный писатель
    13.01.2024 23:04
    хочу как в песне Шнура - Москва сгорела

    Вчера приснился сон прекрасный:
    Москва сгорела целиком.
    Пожар на площади на Красной,
    И тлеет вещий избирком.
    Никто не выжил - все сгорели,
    Все: Фурсин, Путин и Собчак,
    И у стены кремлевской ели,
    Горели а...енно так!
    • 2