Vitaliy Ponomaryov: "There will be no fundamental changes in Rus"

Head coach of Lviv's Rukh Vitaliy Ponomaryov has revealed the transfer news of his team.

Vitaliy Ponomarev (photo: R. Porodko)

- Rukh's philosophy is to trust the pupils of the club's Academy and provide them with playing practice. The juniors who have earned their place in the first team will get their chance to prove themselves and will play at the training camp. It is possible that in addition to the players from Rukh U-19, some younger pupils of the Academy will also go to the training camp.

As for the newcomers, we are currently negotiating, but it is too early to talk about specifics. Once again, I want to emphasise that our main vector is to give our youngsters the opportunity to play for Rukh, and we are not going to abandon these principles. It is also possible that someone will leave the team in the winter, but for now the team will work with the same line-up as in the first part of the season.

There will be no drastic changes, because we have our own playing style and we do not plan to deviate from it. We need to improve it to have a greater advantage over our opponents. The team has young players who still have to progress. With time and experience, they will improve their playing and psychological qualities. "Rukh must continue to play from a position of strength. To do this, we need to analyse each of our matches, our own actions, and the opponent, but at the same time, we must not deviate from our principles," Ponomarev said.
