Serhiy Stakhovsky: "I would put a bullet in Putin's forehead with great pleasure"

Famous Ukrainian tennis player Sergiy Stakhovsky spoke about his military service after 24 February 2022.

Sergey Stakhovsky

- Sergiy, what are your responsibilities?

- I serve in the Special Operations Centre A of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). There is a lot of work, a lot of tasks. The most diverse ones. Both on the contact line and in the rear. If we are talking about the contact line, it is the work of finding and neutralising enemy equipment and occupation personnel.

- So there's no time to sit around and warm up by drinking tea at the headquarters?

- As I speak to you now, it is not very warm. It's minus 10 on the thermometer. And the place I'm in is hardly a headquarters - it's field conditions (smiles).

- At the end of his interviews, one of the Russian bloggers, Yuri Dud, asks the speakers what they would do if they were face to face with Putin. Given that you are now a military officer and have a weapon, the answer is obvious if you were asked such a question?

- Yes, I would. I would put a bullet in Putin's forehead with great pleasure.

- What will you do immediately after your victory?

- I think I will clean out the wine cellar at my company together with my friends and colleagues (smiles ). We will celebrate.

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  • Vadim - Эксперт
    17.01.2024 19:32
    Добрі життєві цілі.
    І перша і друга !)
    • 3