"If the UPL is allowed, then why is the First League worse?" - Myron Markevych on the ban on Karpaty's travel to a foreign train

Myron Markevych, the head coach of Lviv's Karpaty, has reacted to the news that his club was not allowed to travel to Spain for the off-season training camp.

Myron Markevych. Photo - fckarpaty.org.ua

- Myron, there was information that the Ministry of Youth and Sports did not grant Karpaty permission to travel abroad for training camp. Is it true?

- I haven't heard that. Now the team is gathering and we will prepare for the first training camp, which will take place in Lviv from 22 January to 9 February, and we will decide where to hold the second training camp. That's all I can say now.

- And if the Ministry of Youth and Sports really won't grant permission for the First League teams to travel abroad, is it fair?

- If UPL clubs are allowed to go to foreign training camps, is the First League worse? I hope that we have sober politicians, at least until today I had no doubts about it. So far, I don't know anything.

- There was a precedent in Kryvbas when two of the club's employees did not return from abroad - a photographer and an SMM specialist. How do you feel about this situation?

- This is a Kryvbas matter, so I don't want to comment on something that doesn't concern my club. These are just two people, and we have already had so many of them leave our country with fake certificates. There is no getting away from it, we live in such times.

Andrii Piskun
