Kucher decided to sue Dnipro-1

Ex-mentor of Dnipro-1 Oleksandr Kucher decided to make claims to his former club through the courts, journalist Igor Burbas assures in his Telegram channel.

Oleksandr Kucher. Photo - scdnipro1.com.ua

"Alexander Kucher is suing with Dnipro-1". After the termination of co-operation, the club has not settled with the coach for the last three months of his work. Also Dnipro still have not paid the specialist prescribed in the contract bonus for the final second line. According to my information, its size is 150 thousand UE.

In December, Kucher filed an application to the UAF Dispute Resolution Chamber. Consideration of the case in the House of football will take place after the election of the President of the organisation. A similar collision with Dnipro 1 and Kucher's predecessor: Jovicevic is also suing over his own bonus for the prize money in the UPL. Therefore, FIFA imposed a transfer ban on the club", - wrote the journalist.

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