UNITED 24 platform coordinator commented on the missile strike on Lokomotiv's infrastructure

UNITED 24 platform coordinator Yaroslava Gres commented on the missile attack on Lokomotiv Moscow's infrastructure, which is used for training sessions of the capital club's children's academy.

"It was here that Andriy Shevchenko signed hundreds of pads, shirts and balls in May 2022. There were so many children from Mariupol. There are no words. More than 350 destroyed stadiums", - wrote Gres in her Instagram.

We will add that in the current season Lokomotiv plays in the second Ukrainian league.

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  • Eataw - Наставник
    23.01.2024 13:51
    Старый, уютный, красивый стадиончик. Тут, в зале, и волейбольная команда Локомотив когда то тренеровалась, откуда вышел олимпийский чемпион Ю.Панченко- ученик сш#4.
    Кому это мешало? Нет литературных слов, чтобы выразить свои эмоции!
    • 3