Aleksandr Khatskevich: "I have not been able to visit my homeland for four years now, because I do not agree with the Belarusian

Zagłębie's new head coach Aleksander Hatskevich told Polish journalists about his relationship with the Belarusian authorities.

Alexander Hatskevich

- I have been living in Kyiv since 1996 and have not actively opposed the policy of the Belarusian authorities, although the situation in Belarus has worsened since 2020. It is difficult to explain to people living in other European countries that it is forbidden to have an opinion in Belarus, that if you disagree with something, you can go to prison. In Europe, people don't understand this because, thank God, they have the opportunity and the right to say whatever they want. They can express their opinions, but in Belarus, there is one model of life: you either support the government or you don't, and if you don't, you won't be allowed to live or work.

I have not been able to visit my homeland for four years. In Europe, it is difficult for people to understand when I explain to them why I cannot go to Minsk, meet my parents or friends, why I cannot visit the country where I was born. This is because I disagree with the Belarusian authorities and their policies," said Khatskevich.

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