Serhii Kunitsyn on Shevchenko: "He is an experienced person, well-known in football, he will cope"

UAF Vice President and Head of the Football Association of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Serhiy Kunitsyn shared his expectations from the organisation's congress.

Sergey Kunitsyn

- What do you expect from today's congress?

- What are my expectations? We will elect a president and start working, because the last year was a bit of a mess. Everyone was worried, the atmosphere was a bit nervous, I would say.

We need to move forward, we have big tasks: the championship in a country at war, so many problems, the national team still has to reach the final, so the work is not over. I expect that we will work together in a friendly, well-coordinated manner. Ukraine comes first.

- What specific actions do you expect Andriy Shevchenko to take if he is elected to the post today? What do you think should be done first?

- We had a working meeting, he described his coordinates. I think that he will make his programme speech today. He is an experienced person, well-known in football, he will cope, we will help.

- Are you familiar with the programme and the team?

- No, I don't think anyone does.

Mykola Reshniuk

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