Oleksandr Shevchenko: "Andrii Mykolaiovych's programme is pleasant, kind, and cool"

UAF Vice President and current head of the Lviv Oblast Football Federation Oleksandr Shevchenko spoke about his appointment to Andriy Shevchenko's team.

Alexander Shevchenko

- I don't think this position is new. I was vice president of the previous team, but this is a new challenge for me. We need to take new breaths in Ukrainian football. I think there will be some experience that I had in organising football in the Lviv Association. I will transfer this experience to the all-Ukrainian level. We will try to give a new breath to Ukrainian football and support Andriy Mykolayovych.

- Did you have a conversation with him? What did you talk about when you talked about joining his team?

- There were no specific agreements. We talked about the fact that Andrey Nikolaevich would like to see me in his team. I said I didn't mind. At least we have the same surname - maybe it will help.

- Do you have any specific responsibilities?

- We haven't discussed this yet, because the necessary issues have now been resolved, which were delayed for a long time because the previous executive committee was not fully capable. That's why we talked about this today.

- What are your impressions of the new president's arrival, the programme, and the areas of work?

- The programme is nice, kind, cool. Let's hope that everything will work out, that Ukrainian football will change for the better. Even with the current situation in our country.

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  • auto-alex1964b
    alex1964B - Наставник
    25.01.2024 20:55
    "...имеет необыкновенный дар говорить чрезвичайно приятно.Господи,как он говорит!Это ощущение можно сравнить только с тем,когда у вас ищут в голове или потихонько проводят пальцами по пятке.Приятно!чрезвичайно приятно!"(с)
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